The Shortcut To Getting Your Child Into The College Of Their Dreams
For Parents Looking To Lock-In Their Child's Acceptance Letter At The Top Schools In The Country...
"New HandBook Leaks The Unconventional Method That Got 25,328 students Accepted Into Ivy Leagues & Top Colleges Without Worrying About SAT Scores Or Damaging Their Relationship With Their Parents"
While also finding their passion, securing their future, and being the best they can be.
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What is College Shortcuts?
If You Want To Get Your Extraordinary Child Into The Ivy Leagues... You Must Have An Extraordinary Plan.
College Shortcuts is an unconventional but time-tested plan designed for parents to practically guarantee your child ends up in the Ivy Leagues and tier 1 Colleges, that allows you to help them secure their future without the anxiety, depression, or stressing around receiving a rejection letter from their dream school.

We achieve this through a proven 3-step process without leaving your child's future career (really, their life) up to chance and facing endless anxiety throughout the college admissions process.

And as a result...this frees you up to strengthen and enjoy your relationship with your child as you'll be the hero in their journey to getting accepted into their dream school  - this is College Shortcuts.
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College Shortcuts is the Stress-Free Path To Ivy League Acceptance
Before I created College Shortcuts - I was struggling with my parents expectations of me, trying to achieve the best grades in private school, and constantly burning out.

I was studying for hours each day, taking bonus classes, volunteering, obsessing over the SATs, and making sure that my GPA was up to par.

I got myself a deal I never signed up for.

Going through the College Admissions process and winding up feeling so defeated...

Led me to questioning everything and eventually developing a proven system through working with hundreds of students that gets kids accepted with 95% success (for comparison, Harvard's acceptance rate on average is 4.7%...).

After years of going through the process diligently with each child's application that I took on, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally reached a point where I was able to predictably and confidently take a child from having no clue about the College Admissions process to getting accepted by all of their top 3 schools.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire College Admissions system I built by downloading my $5.79 ebook called College Shortcuts

Here's how the process works...

College Shortcuts Handbook

The 99-Page Blueprint To Ivy League Acceptance Letters
5 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

College Admissions Analysis
(30-Year Research Whitepaper)

Uncover the secrets to getting accepted into America's Tier 1 Colleges.

The 4-Year Plan Workbook

A Fill-In-The-Blank Workbook For Your Child To Plan Their Brightest Future.

The 2021 Acceptance Accelerator

Get a full 1-hour video training explaining exactly how the college acceptance process has changed for 2021.

Dream College Case Studies

Get Instant Access To Interviews With Our Students Who Used College Shortcuts To Lock-In Their Spot In The Ivy Leagues.

The AIM Formula Blueprint

A Full 1-Hour Training On The AIM Formula.
Featured In...
Here's How I Went From A Burned Out Aspiring Ivy League Student To Getting 25,328 Teens Accepted Into America's Leading Educational Institutions By Taking The Conventional Haphazard Approach To The College Admissions Process And Developing A Proven College Admissions System To Give Power Back To Parents Nationwide
 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover College Shortcuts
Dear Proud Parent
From: The desk of Neha Gupta
Re: What's the true cost of not understanding the college admissions process? (and why this is your only way out)
Would it surprise you to learn, that I helped over 25,328 students get accepted into America's top colleges using the information revealed in this 99 page handbook?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 
so let me prove it to you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of applying this process systematically with thousands over students over the last 12 years.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results and your child's ability to get accepted depend on many factors... most notably applying what's being given to you in this book.

This purchase requires the parents dedication to their child before they order. A commitment to be made to not be like the other parents who just leave their child's best and brightest future up to chance.

If that's not you... and I sincerely hope that it's not, then please do not download this handbook today.

And yes, it took me years of painstaking through the college admissions process, time and energy to achieve the results with my students.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...
How I Finally Cracked The Code Of The Elusive College Admissions Process And Created A Formula That Any Child Can use To Bump Their Application To The Top Of The Pile...
The same College Shortcuts model that parents from all over America are now using to get their child accepted into the Ivy Leagues & leading educational institutions…

...And in turn feeling confident and empowered throughout the process...

...All while sharing the experience with their child so they can focus on how they're going to celebrate the acceptance letter in the mail...

...And best of all developing an deeper relationship with their child before sending them off to college.
Just Like Shiela, Who Downloaded The College Shortcuts Book A Few Months Ago And Soon After Her Son James Was Accepted Into a BSMD program at a competitive university and medical program that accepts less than 1% of their students - harder than Stanford!
Soon After, Her Son Was Accepted Into His Top Pick BSMD Program:
And even though getting her son into Med School is great, that's not the best part...

The best part is her family could be a family again.

Imagine being able to kill the anxiety in your home and feel confident throughout the entire College Admissions process.

And she isn’t the only parent either…
This Is Neil, Another College Shortcuts Parent, Who Got Their Copy Of The College Shortcuts Digital HandBook Not Too Long Ago…
...And helped his daughter Shilpi, accepted into MIT to study technology and received an amazing scholarship to help pay for tuition after working with us...
Here’s another College Shortcuts parent who started using these strategies…
Meet John, Who Helped His Son Matt Find His Passion In Engineering And Accepted Into Stanford University With College Shortcuts
Shiela, Neil, and john are a group of over 25,000 new wave Parents who are doing things differently With College Shortcuts…
And you can BET...

This College Shortcuts model is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…
  •  We don’t stress about the SAT or ACT Scores (because we know how to help kids get a great one)
  • ​ We don’t under-emphasize the importance of the essay
  • ​ We don’t neglect an iron-clad letter of recommendation
  • ​ We don’t under-estimate the scholarship funding process and know exactly where to look
  • ​ We don’t let your child's application get lost in the shuffle
In fact: we never leave any of these things up to chance. The College Application process is predictable and calculated.
Instead We Use The A.I.M. Formula...
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The College Shortcuts AIM Formula allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the misconceptions that I hated when it came to getting accepted into the Ivy Leagues and top schools…
  • ​It helped me stop worrying with a ball of anxiety in my stomach
  • ​​I stopped fighting and with my parents
  • ​​It made me realize that obsessing over grades is not the key to getting accepted
College Shortcuts And The A.I.M Formula Freed Me From All That and It Allowed Me To Gift 25,328 Other Amazing Children The Key To Unlocking The Door To Their Best And Brightest Future
Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve been thinking or are in the College Application process with your child, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Application Process Of Doom”:
  Step 1 - Your child goes through High School with no clear direction, and guidance counselors tell them to take the "easy path" to make sure they get accepted.
  Step 2 - Your child gets above average or even great grades, but has no plan to prepare for the SATs.
  Step 3 - Your child continues to study to the point of burnout and without having clarity around why they're studying so hard... so tension in the house builds.
  Step 4 - That tension starts to cause friction in the home and what should be an exciting time of your child's life becomes the bane of your existence.
  Step 5 - Your child rushes through an unplanned and unproven process for writing their essay and applying by doing what the other kids at school are doing.
  Step 6 - Tension is peaked and the entire house is in a state of panic awaiting the arrival of the College letters.
  Step 7 - Your Child receives a rejection letter from their dream school and feels wronged, defeated, and depressed.
  Step 8 - Start over... delaying your child's future and dreams for an entire year.
The Application Process Of Doom not only impacts bright children in a deep way, but it can keep kids stuck in this loop for years - forcing them to repeatedly apply while still feeling completely lost and out of control.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of creating a system for the College Application process...

... But before I gave up..

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent 12 years refining this system to empower every child who reaches for the stars to have a jetpack and a mission control base guiding them to College Acceptance...

After all... we didn't just land on the moon by accident.
And I Put This Entire System In A 99-Page book Called College Shortcuts And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…
But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Neha Gupta…

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

I've been so focused and obsessed with helping kids get accepted into their dream schools and I'd rather have them in the limelight.
I am a best-selling author, TEDx speaker, top 100 teen expert, keynote speaker, and minority female business owner.

Over the last 12 years I have built College Shortcuts with a mission to serve families and make parents’ with college-bound kids lives easier every day.
Me speaking at a TEDx Conference
Me on FOX News
Me at Richard Branson's Private Island retreat 
sharing how we can reshape how we view education.
How One Soul-Crushing Sentence From My College Counselor Changed My Life Forever
I remember walking into the college counselor’s office like it was yesterday.

It was January of my junior year, and I still remember how hard and uncomfortable those chairs were, sandwiched between my mom and dad.

Consistently looking for their reactions on either side of me, I was completely out of my element and could see my parents were stressed out.

I thought I had it nailed.

I was an all honors and AP student.

I was president of five student organizations. 

I was involved in the community. 

I never hung out with my friends unless we were studying together. 

My focus was on doing anything and everything that would help me get into college.

This is how my parents measured success, and so it ultimately became my measure of success.

I felt so ready when I booked my appointment with my college counselor in high school.

But when my college counselor opened her mouth, I couldn’t believe what she said...

She took my list of dream schools and said, 

“These are all reach schools. You may not get in anywhere.” 

My heart fell into the pit of my stomach.

I thought the world was going to end.

All I heard was: I am not good enough

How could this even be possible...

I had done anything anyone asked me to do, and given up so much fun time to study.

Why wasn’t it working?

I felt that all of my hard work was going to go down the drain.

And in a single sentence... my college counselor crushed my self-esteem.

My parents looked at me in disbelief and gave me that disappointing look...

...the same one whenever I brought a 96% test score home (as they were wondering what happened to the other 4%).
I ended up with A Crushed Self-Esteem, With All My Hard Work Going Down The Drain And Nothing I could do about it…
I hated it because I did all the right things, had great grades, everything that I thought it took to get accepted into a top-tier college.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations...I wanted more out of life...

...and my college counselor clearly wasn't going to help.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a different way to get into my dream schools (the same ones that my counselor said I had a sliver of a chance getting accepted to)...

It took 12 months for me to finally have a breakthrough realization that would change how I viewed the College Application process forever...

I realized that the college application process is a LEARNED skill...

And it's easier than knowing the difference between a stock and a bond. And much easier than learning to code...

Think about it.

You only applied to college once, and it was over 20 years ago.

The colleges mailed you applications and you mailed them back.

You might have written one essay or no essays. 

The game has completely changed. 

You are not supposed to know how to ACE this for your child.

The best way I learned was working with hundreds of teenagers over the last 12 years to become the absolute best at getting kids accepted into the Ivy Leagues.

Even though I know the college process inside and out with each student...

There are many subtle nuances of the college application process. 

There is no way you should expect yourself to know all of this.

Well, how do you learn this?

You could spend years mentoring children through the process...

Or if you had ten kids, by the fifth kid you would know the process pretty well ;).

Do you know the actual cost of NOT knowing the in's and out's of the college admissions process?
Just think about it...

Outside of your house, the college for your child is going to be the biggest thing you invest in.

To send a student to an ivy league school is close to $80,000 a year when you add all the additional costs to tuition.

Would you invest $80,000 without knowing where you get your payoff?
(Hopefully Not)

Most parents will put their children in private high schools that focus on college prep that costs upwards of $40,000 per year...

...expecting the college counselors will take care of the entire process.

The cost of not knowing the college admissions process is the same as betting $80,000/year at the casino...

And I believe to my core that a child's future should never be left up to chance.

Parents can end up waiting until August of senior year before starting the college admissions process...

And their child ends up throwing together a pieced together application that ends up in the rejection pile.

Your child could end up at a low level college...

Or end up working at Target or McDonald’s not able to get a good job later down the road...

Only to be competing against students who were diligent the first time around.

I know this sounds harsh, but I have seen it all the time...

Parents not wrapping their head around how important this chapter is in their child’s life...

And ending up relying on college counselors at schools to do all the work.

Look, at public schools, some counselors are managing over 400 students.

That’s over 4,000 applications to review.

There is no way a counselor can do a good job, while writing 400 recommendation letters.

Families get torn up over this decision.

I have spoken to hundreds of moms only to hear they have lost so much sleep over this project. 

This adds another massive task on their already long list of things to do. 

And, their husbands do not have the time to invest into what is needed to help with this process.

I want to share my formula for the college admissions process. 

Over the past twelve years, I’ve mastered the formula, and worked with an incredibly diverse group of students to get them into the Ivy Leagues...
And today I am going to put this powerful formula into your hands... so that you can be the best parent you can be for your child during what may be the most pivotal moment of their life...
You Don’t Even Have To Know The First Thing About The college Application Process...
Which means you can ensure your child gets their letter into the accepted pile without having to toil away throughout their high school career trying to figure it all out...

All you have to do is use the A.I.M. Formula and the College Shortcuts Process.
And that was the birth of The A.I.M. Formula
You're getting a full 60 minute walkthrough of the A.I.M. Formula when you download your copy of College Shortcuts 99-Page Handbook today...

But let me introduce you to this simple yet highly effective formula to kick things off:

A - Always Put Your Child In The Best Light

I - In's and out's of the College Admission Office

M - Master Your Child's Passion

It sounds simple... but 95% of students who follow this formula with the College Shortcuts system get accepted into their top three schools.
This Is The Culmination of 12 years in the trenches with real students and real applications, fast forward to today and it almost seems Like That Fateful Conversation With My College Counselor Was Just a bad dream...
I proved the idea of “following the traditional haphazard path to college application” to be all wrong…

Instead of accepting the fact that there was nothing I could do to get into my "Reach" schools of choice...

Myself, and my 25,328 accepted students are living proof that College Shortcuts works and that there is a way to unlock the door to your child's best and brightest future by getting accepted into the Ivy Leagues.
More than 25,000 students have used College Shortcuts to get into 
Ivy League & Top Tier Schools across the country over the last 12 years.
There is nothing more fulfilling than hearing from yet another student every single day that they received an acceptance letter from their reach schools.

And it pains me to know that even though I've helped so many students get accepted into their dream schools... 

... There are still far too many left behind.

You see, parents are still trying to figure this out on their own and leave it to chance...
Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The College Shortcuts Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?
Most Parents Are Letting Their Child Apply To Schools The Same Way As Everyone Else... College Shortcuts Gives You A Formula To Getting Your Child's Letter To The Top Of The Pile.
"To be successful, you must be willing to do the things today others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have."
- Les Brown
Simply put... if you want your child to have their best chance of success of not just getting into the Ivy Leagues and top colleges... but to have a fulfilling career and life that you can be proud of...

Then we need to look at the NEW way of getting accepted into college where luck is no longer a factor:
And The Result Of Using This New Way?
Your Child's Chances of Getting Accepted Into Ivy League Schools Using College Shortcuts...
And here's your child's chances WITHOUT College Shortcuts...
Which Naturally Leads To...
These students ending up graduating with the career of their dreams and living their best life...

And the best part is that they thank their parents every time for helping to empower and guide them through the process... 

While these amazing children go out into the world to make amazing contributions.
The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with an acceptance letter in the mail for your child...

But it’s much more than that..
It’s Actually A Way To Prepare Them For Life On Their Own Before They Ever Leave Home...
Think about this for a moment...
  Students rush through the college application process full of anxiety and no clear roadmap to getting accepted...
  Or worse they don't even have clarity around their direction and end up wasting 4+ years of the most impactful time of their life... only to switch schools and delay their life and career even longer...
  Or even worse... they end up with a college counselor that tells them to "lower their expectations" and "play it safe" instead of shooting for the stars...

And let's be honest... if you're reading this right now it means your child IS a star and deserves to be in the top schools.
Our 95% acceptance rates have been going for 12 years straight now.

Now, speaking of the model...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes:

I am actually losing money on selling the College Shortcuts Digital Handbook for such a low investment by showing you this.

And the other College consultants out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach (except it doesn't work nearly as well).
Ready for it?
The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is Failing To See That Getting Accepted Into Ivy League Colleges Is A Process That Can Be Followed... And That There Is More To It Than Having a Good Letter of Recommendation Or Scoring Well On the SATs
Here’s why:

There are two types of parents out there.

There are the "prepared parents"  and there are "hopeful parents".

For my first 3 years... I realized that every parent who did not understand the process was a "hopeful parent".

Hopeful parents are always falsely believing that their child will get noticed because they should get noticed.

Their strategy is to follow the traditional, standard application process, pressure their child to get good grades and a solid SAT score.

And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time and energy on..
  • Trying to "game" the College Application process, which ultimately ends up failing to follow the rules of the process and ends up with a rejection letter for their child
  • Placing undue stress on their child, creating tension in the household, and ultimately makes the entire process unbearable
  • Risking their child's acceptance to their dream school on what they think is a great letter of recommendation while missing other key elements of College Acceptance
  • Staking hours away with their child trying to crack the code to an acceptance-worthy College essay without having knowing what top Colleges are looking for...
All of this wastes time and leaves your child's acceptance letter up to chance, and thrown into a pile of sometimes 400+ letters of other children doing the same thing...

The problem isn't that it's hard to get into top-tier schools...

The problem is that no one teaches you how to do this, and the colleges are not going to help you either.
The solution?
Follow. The. Formula.
That's right...

I said it, we follow the formula (and yes it can be that simple)...

...Because I would rather help you get your child accepted while enjoying the process and solidifying your relationship with them instead of winding up with a stress-ridden household and a rejection letter after all that work.

No thanks. I did that before and it's no fun... plus it can set your child's future back by 12 months to 4 years.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything inside of the College Shortcuts Handbook, it's a 99-Page handbook that shows you everything you need to know.
So here's the 25 Million Dollar idea behind the College Shortcuts Formula
Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of College acceptance, Ivy league institutions, and other top Colleges in America.

The events of 2020 have forced dramatic shifts in the College Acceptance process.

This has created a much more competitive landscape for students, and acceptance rates have only gone down (for students without College Shortcuts).

Now, most parents have been scrambling and searching online for a new solution to get their child accepted into their dream school...

And as you may have guessed it - we have it.

And what's really cool is that our formula and the methods we use with our students remove all of the stress, anxiety, and household pressure from the entire process.
That's Right - given a choice, Parents Who Work With Us Would choose this new Approach Over Their Child's High School College Counselor Every Time
And that's where College Shortcuts comes in...

It does this beautifully in 3 easy steps...
And that’s the difference here. 

When you take your child through the college application process using this model the results are time-tested and proven.

There's nothing stopping you from trying to figure this out on your own using the old methods.

I’m not saying the old ways of getting your child into college are bad.

What I am saying is that if your goal is to get your child into our nations top schools, doing things the old way may cost your child their best future... and maybe even crush their self-esteem before they even go out in the real world!

The College Shortcuts way just requires following the formula.

And that's why this is different.

And it's also why parents who take advantage of College Shortcuts have a 20x higher likelihood of getting their child accepted.
And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise
You CAN get your child into their dream school with absolute confidence.
And once you start using the College Shortcuts formula...

Getting accepted into Ivy Leagues and other top schools isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It’s something that will happen just by following the formula and the guidelines inside of College Shortcuts.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to whenever your child would be receiving letters from the schools they've applied to...

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the College Shortcuts Handbook.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your child's first acceptance letter arrive in the mail.

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…
And Just A Few Years Ago… i’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Formula Existed…
…But, today I know better.


I don’t care what your friends, high school counselors, or supposed "experts" have told you about getting your kid into top schools in America…

I promise you this…

Anyone can get their child into their dream schools with the right formula (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing...
If 25,328 Parents Can Do This, So Can You!
Because over 25,328 parents have already used College Shortcuts over the last 12 years to get their child accepted into their dream school...

Here's just a few of the comments from our students we've received...
After all... we're really doing this for the amazing kids like yours and their future careers.
Here’s The exact 3 Step System Revealed in the College Shortcuts Handbook & Exclusive Bonuses For Getting Your Child Accepted
  Step 1 - Always Put Your Child In The Best Light - Step-by-step instructions to making sure that your child's College application screams "Ivy League Material" so that there's zero hesitation on moving them to the top of the ranks.
  Step 2 - In's And Out's Of College Acceptance - Get insider secrets direct from real admissions office experts and get your child's application letter in the "accepted" pile.
  Step 3 - Master Your Child's Passion - Strategies to deepen your connection with your child while setting them up for their best and brightest future that you can be proud of.
Those are the 3 steps to the A.I.M. Formula that's been proven with over 25,000 students and over 85,000 accepted letters.

All of this is revealed in the 99-page College Shortcuts Handbook in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to College Acceptance for the parent that seeks a stress-free path to getting their child accepted into their top 3 dream schools.

And that's not all, because...
here's what else you're going to discover in the College Shortcuts Digital Handbook...
  Hidden Factors To Consider When Applying (Instantly help your child gain clarity on the best schools for them)
All Explained On Pages 11-21
  The Secret behind Picking Your Major (so your child Can Finally Answer The Question Of What They Want To Do With their life!)
All Explained On Pages 22-30
  College Hit List (So You Can Quickly Isolate Your Child's Top 3 Dream Schools)
All Explained On Pages 31-38
  How To Get Organized Checklist (So your child leaves nothing to chance in the college application process)
All Explained On Pages 39-41
  Demystifying Deadlines (Uncovering the truth about the timing of applications and how to work the deadlines)
All Explained On Pages 42-44
  What Essay Type Is write For Your Child (and how to know which type of essay to use to match your child's unique gifts)
All Explained On Pages 45-48
  The Blank Page Cure (play-by-play Brainstorming techniques our top students use to write essays fast without sacrificing quality)
All Explained On Pages 49-62
  Effective Essays That Get The "Accepted" Stamp (Get The top 10 Most effective Essay writing tips to beat other students essays so your child ends up at the top of the pile)
All Explained On Pages 63-71
  The Brag Sheet aKA The resume (How to brag about your child without sounding arrogant so that your child's best gifts are displayed front and center for the admissions office)
All Explained On Pages 72-78
  Standing Out In Admissions (The Step-by-step guide making sure your child's application doesn't get lost in the hundreds of thousands of other essays)
All Explained On Pages 79-81
  Stand Out Teacher Recommendations (Help your child Cultivate a strong relationship with their teachers to amplify their college recommendations with these tips)
All Explained On Pages 82-87
  College Visit Victories (little-known secrets to drastically improving your child's chances of getting accepted during their college visits)
All Explained On Pages 88-91
  Get That Money - Scholarships (What you need to know about the highest paying scholarships for your child and where to find them)
All Explained On Pages 92-93
  Submission Secrets (How to finish off the college admissions process and send in your child's letter with confidence)
All Explained On Pages 94-95
  Colleges Are Lucky To Have Your Child (Understanding the acceptances and also the Rejections process so you can prepare yourself and your child for receiving their letters)
All Explained On Pages 96-99
Keep in mind you're also getting 5 additional bonuses for grabbing the College Shortcuts Handbook today that will fast track your child's application to the top of the pile.

If getting your child accepted into the Ivy Leagues and other top educational institutions is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Parents who follow the College Shortcuts method have an 1,800% higher chance of getting their child accepted into their top 3 dream schools.
Plus I'm Going To Give You Our Coveted 30-Year Admissions Analysis Research Whitepaper
This all-encompassing 30 year research analysis breaks down everything that you need to know to go from a parent who doesn't know the first thing about getting your child into the Ivy Leagues to being an in-home expert for your child to depend on throughout the admissions process.

We left no stone unturned in this informative, yet succinct 25-Page analysis which covers everything you need to know for getting your child accepted in 2021 after all the changes that the economic struggles of last year.

Plus... it answers some of your most pressing questions as a parent (such as... "Are great SAT and ACT scores enough?").

Because let's face it...

Knowledge is power, and I want you to have all the power to help your child secure their future.
And Before You Download The College Shortcuts HandBook… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $5.79, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value to you and your family.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

Ultimately... my goal is that you get so much value out of the College Shortcuts handbook and 5 exclusive bonuses today, that you decide to let our team of admissions experts mentor your child through the College Admissions process.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
This Won’t Last Long
The truth is...

I was planning on selling this handbook for $47, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I sold the College Shortcuts Handbook for $37 and 113 people downloaded it at that price...

...Which was great, but then I realized hey - this is an eBook it doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.
By lowering the price to $5.79 it allows me to impact more Students and Give Parents The Roadmap To Getting Their Child Accepted
I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask about enrolling your child in one of our mentorship programs. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.
You're Also Getting Bonus #2:
"The Four Year Plan" Guide Book
This book has helped thousands of students in over 50 countries get into colleges like Harvard, Princeton, MIT, University of Texas, and more.

I wrote The Four Year Plan with over 20 valedictorians by my side.

Every single chapter gives insight into what students need to do in each month of their high school career in order to succeed.

This guide book speaks to teens directly, and helps them to navigate the noisy, stressful high school experience and have an action plan, strategy, and vision for their dreams.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the College Shortcuts Handbook today.

Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $403.97.

Bonus #3) The Acceptance Accelerator
Get a full 1-hour video training explaining exactly how the college acceptance process has changed for 2021.

Bonus #4) Dream College Case Studies
Get Instant Access To Interviews With Our Students Who Used College Shortcuts To Lock-In Their Spot In The Ivy Leagues.

Bonus #5) The AIM Formula Blueprint
Get instant access to a full 1-hour training video where I walk you through the A.I.M. Formula to secure your child's spot at America's Top Colleges.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's...
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee 
In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this investment into your child's future today.

And even though it’s only $5.79

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged with my team:

Download the eBook, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $5.79 and let you keep the College Shortcuts Handbook free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
This Offer Expires on
Mar 28, 2025
(Save $31.21 today)

Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.79! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
I'll talk to you on this inside of the program.

Until then, to your success,
- Neha Gupta
Founder of College Shortcuts
P.S. Remember, the College Shortcuts Digital Handbook comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get your child on the fast-track to Ivy League Acceptance.

And if you access and apply the College Shortcuts methods with your child and are not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $5.79.
Here's What's Included In The Book
  Hidden Factors To Consider When Applying (Instantly Help Your Child Gain Clarity On The Best Schools For Them)
All Explained On Pages 11-21
  The Secret Behind Picking Your Major (So Your Child Can Finally Answer The Question Of What They Want To Do With Their Life!)
All Explained On Pages 22-30
  College Hit List (So You Can Quickly Isolate Your Child's Top 3 Dream Schools)
All Explained On Pages 31-38
  How To Get Organized Checklist (So Your Child Leaves Nothing To Chance In The College Application Process)
All Explained On Pages 39-41
  Demystifying Deadlines (Uncovering The Truth About The Timing Of Applications And How To Work The Deadlines)
All Explained On Pages 42-44
  What Essay Type Is Write For Your Child (And How To Know Which Type Of Essay To Use To Match Your Child's Unique Gifts)
All Explained On Pages 45-48
  The Blank Page Cure (Play-By-Play Brainstorming Techniques Our Top Students Use To Write Essays Fast Without Sacrificing Quality)
All Explained On Pages 49-62
  Effective Essays That Get The "Accepted" Stamp (Get The Top 10 Most Effective Essay Writing Tips To Beat Other Students Essays So Your Child Ends Up At The Top Of The Pile)
All Explained On Pages 63-71
  The Brag Sheet AKA The Resume (How To Brag About Your Child Without Sounding Arrogant So That Your Child's Best Gifts Are Displayed Front And Center For The Admissions Office)
All Explained On Pages 72-78
  Stand Out In Admissions (The Step-By-Step Guide Making Sure Your Child's Application Doesn't Get Lost In The Hundreds Of Thousands Of Other Essays)
All Explained On Pages 79-81
  Stand Out Teacher Recommendations (Help Your Child Cultivate A Strong Relationship With Their Teachers To Amplify Their College Recommendations With These Tips)
All Explained On Pages 82-87
  College Visit Victories (Little-Known Secrets To Drastically Improving Your Child's Chances Of Getting Accepted During Their College Visits)
All Explained On Pages 88-91
  Get That Money - Scholarships (What You Need To Know About The Highest Paying Scholarships For Your Child And Where To Find Them)
All Explained On Pages 92-93
  Submission Secrets (How To Finish Off The College Admissions Process And Send In Your Child's Letter With Confidence)
All Explained On Pages 94-95
  Colleges Are Lucky To Have Your Child (Understanding The Acceptances And Also The Rejections Process So You Can Prepare Yourself And Your Child For Receiving Their Letters)
All Explained On Pages 96-99
Download College Shortcuts
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Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.79! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know My Child Can Use This?
I know that College Shortcuts and these amazing bonuses work and that your child can use this because I not only designed everything to be easy to digest and implement for teens, but because I have seen it used successfully tens of thousands of times with all of the incredible students we've helped over the last decade.

If it wasn't able to be used... then I refused to write it. 

Because knowledge is only powerful if it can be put into action... and College Shortcuts complete with everything you see here is exactly how your child can put this transformational information into action today.
Can't I Just Figure This Out On My Own?
Many parents try... and unfortunately many exceptional children receive rejection letters from colleges that they deserve to be accepted into.

I have developed the most efficient, quickest shortcut to delivering the content that moms need to sleep better at night, to give the best resources to their child, and to ultimately help in their child’s happiness towards the college admissions process.

I have talked with moms who have done the process over and over, and still didn't know the secrets I know that could have helped their child have the edge they needed to get in.

You are always free to try... but why leave your child's future up to chance?
What If I Need Help?
Great question.

There are additional links inside of the handbook and bonuses that will guide you to helpful resources and how to directly contact my team of admissions experts.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Most books just talk about college admissions and the challenges, this is a tactical playbook that parents and students can use to get their child into top universities using our methodology and strategies.
What is College Shortcuts?
With competition doubling in the last year at most competitive schools, it takes even more to stand out among the thousands of applications.

A student with perfect GPA and perfect scores can get rejected from the schools even though they are a perfect fit.

College Shortcuts is the system that we use step by step to getting students into college.
It gives real life examples and what makes it different is that it’s written by consultants who are hyper competitive and applying to some of the most difficult majors and got into top schools.

What also makes it different is it gives the exact system of what we do to get students into the Ivy Leagues.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you.

I even let you keep the book if for some reason you decide that this is not for you or your child.

I'm so confident that this handbook and bonuses will empower you and your child throughout the college admissions process that you'll be reaching out to thank us instead.
Download College Shortcuts
(Save $31.21 today)

Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.79! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Book Reviews
Included Bonuses

College Admissions Analysis

Uncover the secrets to getting accepted into America's Tier 1 Colleges.

The 4-Year Plan Workbook

A Fill-In-The-Blank Workbook For Your Child To Plan Their Brightest Future.

The 2021 Acceptance Accelerator

Accelerate your child's application letter with this privately held training outlining all the changes you need to know to get your child accepted in 2021

Dream College Case Studies

Our private clients share their biggest takeaways to give you and your child the inside secrets to Tier 1 College Acceptance

The A.I.M. Formula Blueprint

Get instant access to a full 1-hour training video where I walk you through the A.I.M. Formula to secure your child's spot at America's Top Colleges
Video Testimonials
3 Steps To Ivy League Acceptance Without The Anxiety & Stress
Get College Shortcuts
(Save $31.21 today)

Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.79! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $5.79 Today
Included With Your Order

College Shortcuts Digital Handbook

The 99-Page Blueprint To Ivy League Acceptance Letters
Included With Your Order

College Admissions Analysis

Uncover the secrets to getting accepted into America's Tier 1 Colleges.
Included With Your Order

The 4-Year Plan Workbook

A Fill-In-The-Blank Workbook For Your Child To Plan Their Brightest Future.
Included With Your Order

The 2021 Acceptance Accelerator

Accelerate your child's application letter with this privately held training outlining all the changes you need to know to get your child accepted in 2021
Included With Your Order

Dream College Case Studies

Our private clients share their biggest takeaways to give you and your child the inside secrets to Tier 1 College Acceptance
Included With Your Order

The A.I.M. Formula Blueprint

Get instant access to a full 1-hour training video where I walk you through the A.I.M. Formula to secure your child's spot at America's Top Colleges
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only $37 $5.79 Today
(Save $31.21 today) Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.79! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
You're Also Getting...
Dream College
Case Studies 
($79 Value)
Our private clients share their biggest takeaways to give you and your child the inside secrets to Tier 1 College Acceptance
Acceptance Accelerator 
($49 Value)
Accelerate your child's application letter with this privately held training outlining all the changes you need to know to get your child accepted in 2021
The A.I.M. Formula Blueprint 
($149 Value)
Get instant access to a full 1-hour training video where I walk you through the A.I.M. Formula to secure your child's spot at America's Tier 1 Colleges
$403.97 of Actionable value!
(Yours For FREE When You Get Your Copy Of 
The College Shortcuts Digital HandBook)
The College Shortcuts Digital Handbook

College Shortcuts Digital Handbook ($37.97 Value)

The 99-Page Blueprint To Ivy League Acceptance Letters
Bonus #1

Admissions Analysis (30-Year Research Whitepaper ($99 Value)

Uncover the secrets to getting accepted into America's Tier 1 Colleges
Bonus #2

The Four Year Plan Workbook ($27 Value)

A Fill-In-The-Blank Workbook For Your Child To Plan Their Brightest Future
Bonus #3

Acceptance Accelerator ($49 Value)

Accelerate your child's application letter with this privately held training outlining all the changes you need to know to get your child accepted in 2021
Bonus #4

Dream College Case Studies ($79 Value)

Our private clients share their biggest takeaways to give you and your child the inside secrets to Tier 1 College Acceptance
Bonus #5

The A.I.M. Formula Blueprint ($149 Value)

Get instant access to a full 1-hour training video where I walk you through the A.I.M. Formula to secure your child's spot at America's Top Colleges
85,437 Applications Approved
25,000,000 Million Dollars In Scholarships Received
40+ Years Of College Consultant Experience
95% Acceptance Rate Into Top Three Choices
 Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know My Child Can Use This?
I know that College Shortcuts and these amazing bonuses work and that your child can use this because I not only designed everything to be easy to digest and implement for teens, but because I have seen it used successfully tens of thousands of times with all of the incredible students we've helped over the last decade.

If it wasn't able to be used... then I refused to write it. Because knowledge is only powerful if it can be put into action... and College Shortcuts complete with everything you see here is exactly how your child can put this transformational information into action today.
Can't I Just Figure This Out On My Own?
Many parents try... and unfortunately many exceptional children receive rejection letters from colleges that they deserve to be accepted into.

I have developed the most efficient, quickest shortcut to delivering the content that moms need to sleep better at night, to give the best resources to their child, and to ultimately help in their child’s happiness towards the college admissions process.

I have talked with moms who have done the process over and over, and still didn't know the secrets I know that could have helped their child have the edge they needed to get in.

You are always free to try... but why leave your child's future up to chance?
What If I Need Help?
Great question.

There are additional links inside of the handbook and bonuses that will guide you to helpful resources and how to directly contact my team of admissions experts.
What is College Shortcuts?
With competition doubling in the last year at most competitive schools, it takes even more to stand out among the thousands of applications.

A student with perfect GPA and perfect scores can get rejected from the schools even though they are a perfect fit. 

College Shortcuts is the system that we use step by step to getting students into college. 

It gives real life examples and what makes it different is that it’s written by consultants who are hyper competitive and applying to some of the most difficult majors and got into top schools.

What also makes it different is it gives the exact system of what we do to get students into the Ivy Leagues.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Most books just talk about college admissions and the challenges, this is a tactical playbook that parents and students can use to get their child into top universities using our methodology and strategies.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you.

I even let you keep the book if for some reason you decide that this is not for you or your child.

I'm so confident that this handbook and bonuses will empower you and your child throughout the college admissions process that you'll be reaching out to thank us instead.
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